This is where you can find anything available from our farm and from some of our favorite Oklahoma farmers and artisans.
SOY/CORN FREE Average 5lbs/ pkg
Approx 1.5- 2lbs each
$14/lb Average weight 2lbs
Grass Fed Ground Beef, Liver, and Heart
By: Kayterra farms
Kayterra Farms
By Kayterra Farms
SOY/CORN FREE Pastured Heritage Pork with Mango and Habenero.
SOY/CORN FREE Pastured Heritage Pork Brats with Hatch Green Chilis
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Gift Cards will be delivered to your email
Our Pastured Chicken BONE BROTH.
beef fat in 1lb packs
By: Kayterra farms
Corn-free, Soy-free. Pasture raised
Cream Line Whole Milk from Oklahoma’s Red Ridge Creamery
Approx 2lb package
SOY/CORN FREE Average 2.5-3lb package
approx 5 per pack/ 1.25lbs per pack
1.5 lb packages
One small chicken between 2-3lbs
2oz jar
From our friends at Roark Acres
Approx 12 patties in Av 1lb package
grass fed/ finished chuck eye steak approx 1/2lb